Renowned filmmaker Vipin Das, celebrated for his directorial venture ‘Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Hey,’ is all set to helm the upcoming project ‘Guruvayoor Ambalanadayil.’ This film, serving as a sequel to his previous hit, features Basil Joseph, the lead actor from his last project, and Prithviraj Sukumaran in key roles. Latest reports confirm Prithviraj has commenced shooting for his role on the film’s set.
According to sources, Prithviraj’s shooting schedule spans approximately 10 to 12 days in the ongoing phase. The production has outlined its final leg, the fifth and last schedule, tentatively set for January or February 2024. Notably, Prithviraj Sukumaran is slated to portray an antagonist character in the movie.
Scripted by Deepu Pradeep, the film revolves around a wedding set against the sacred backdrop of Guruvayur in Kerala. Nikhila Vimal and Anaswara Rajan take on the female lead roles, with Tamil comedian Yogi Babu playing a significant role to enhance the entertainment quotient.
The technical crew of ‘Guruvayoor Ambalanadayil’ includes Neeraj Revi as the cinematographer, with editing responsibilities falling under John Kutty’s purview. Ankit Menon is curating the music, adding emotional depth to the film’s narrative.
In a recent role, Prithviraj Sukumaran’s portrayal of Varadharaja Mannar in ‘Salaar’ has garnered praise, despite the film receiving mixed reviews from audiences. Meanwhile, Basil Joseph is basking in the success of his recently released family drama ‘Falimy,’ which has received highly positive reviews from viewers.