Bollywood luminary Ranveer Singh recently garnered praise from fans and fellow Malayalam superstar Prithviraj Sukumaran as he took to his personal social media handle to endorse Sukumaran’s upcoming film. In a surprising move on Wednesday evening, Singh shared a series of posters from the highly anticipated movie ‘The Goat Life.’ The sepia-toned poster showcased Sukumaran in a poignant moment, exuding an intense and rugged appearance.
Captioning the post, Singh wrote, “#TheGoatLife…… dekhne ki cheez hai!!! Releasing worldwide on 10.04.2024.”
Responding to this gesture, Prithviraj expressed his gratitude in the comments section, saying, “Thank you brother man! @ranveersingh.”
Titled ‘The Goat Life,’ the film is described as ‘the greatest survival adventure ever’ and is said to be based on a true story. This second look serves as a prelude to the previously unveiled poster and first-look by Prabhas.
Boasting an international cast, including Hollywood actor Jimmy Jean-Louis, Indian actors Amala Paul and K.R. Gokul, and renowned Arab actors Talib al Balushi and Rik Aby, ‘The Goat Life’ is filmed in multiple countries and marks a historic venture in the Malayalam film industry. The movie features music by Oscar-winner A.R. Rahman and sound design by Oscar-winner Resul Pookutty.
Scheduled for release in cinemas on April 10, ‘The Goat Life’ promises a multi-language experience, with versions available in Hindi, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, and Kannada.