The much-anticipated Malayalam film “Nadikar,” directed by Lal Jr. and starring Tovino Thomas in the lead role, has debuted in theaters today, May 3. Opening across more than 1000 screens, the film explores the life of David Padickal, a movie star, and has garnered significant attention due to its star-studded cast, including actors like Soubin Shahir, Bhavana Menon, Suresh Krishna, and Balu Varghese.
Early reactions from viewers on microblogging platforms, particularly X (formerly known as Twitter), reflect a mixed response. While some viewers praised the film as a commendable effort by director Lal Jr., highlighting Tovino Thomas’s performance and engaging plot points, others expressed disappointment, citing weaknesses in writing and execution. Despite positive aspects like strong performances and appealing visuals, critiques of the film’s narrative and script have led to a less-than-enthusiastic reception from certain quarters of the audience.
Notably, opinions varied widely, with some describing the film as average or below average, pointing out shortcomings in the second half and overall execution. Despite efforts from lead actors like Tovino Thomas and Suresh Krishna, coupled with sporadic moments of humor, some viewers found the film’s script and storyline lacking.
In light of these mixed reviews, “Nadikar” faces a range of opinions from moviegoers, with some expressing disappointment in the film’s overall quality despite its promising premise and talented cast. As the film continues its theatrical run, its performance at the box office and reception among audiences will be closely observed.