The eagerly anticipated film “Mandakini,” starring Althaf Salim and Anarkali Marikar, is set to hit theaters soon, and the trailer has just been unveiled by the makers. Offering a sneak peek into the storyline, the trailer kicks off with the wedding night of Aromal (played by Althaf) and Ambili (portrayed by Anarkali), where Ambili’s curiosity about her husband’s past relationships sets the tone for a light-hearted tale. Priya Prakash Varrier also makes a cameo appearance in the trailer.
Anarkali took to her social media platform to share the trailer, announcing, “The much-awaited #Mandakini Trailer Is Officially Out Now! In Theatres From May 24.”
Directed by Vinod Leela, “Mandakini” boasts a stellar cast including Lal Jose, Jude Anthany Joseph, Ajai Vasudev, Jeo Baby, Ganapathi, Saritha Kukku, Jaffer Idukki, Ashwathy Sreekanth, and Vineeth Thattil in significant roles.
Crafted by Shiju M Bhaskar, the film’s cinematography is handled by Shiju M Bhaskar, with Sheril as the editor. The musical score is composed by Bibin Ashok.
Scheduled for a theatrical release on May 24, “Mandakini” promises to be an entertaining watch for audiences.