In a groundbreaking move, Mohanlal’s highly-anticipated epic action drama, “Malaikkottai Vaaliban,” is poised to set a new record for Malayalam cinema in the UK with an unprecedented release across 183 locations. Surpassing the scale of releases for other eagerly awaited films like “Salar” and “Leo,” this substantial UK release underscores the global anticipation and widespread appeal of Mohanlal’s latest cinematic venture.
Scheduled for release on January 25, 2024, the film has generated immense excitement among fans, with special All Kerala Fans Shows slated to begin at 6.30 AM on the release day. The filmmakers are sparing no effort to build anticipation, with promotional events, including an audio launch, in the pipeline. A potential trailer release on January 18th is also anticipated.
Under the direction of the acclaimed Lijo Jose Pellissery, “Malaikkottai Vaaliban” promises a compelling narrative that delves into the life of a legendary figure, exploring the highs and lows of his journey as a guiding light for future generations. The screenplay, co-written by Lijo Jose Pellissery and P. S. Rafeeque, reflects the filmmaker’s meticulous approach to storytelling.
The film’s principal photography spanned an impressive 130 days, covering diverse locations such as Rajasthan, Chennai, and Pondicherry. Timed to coincide with the Republic Day weekend, “Malaikkottai Vaaliban” is gearing up for a worldwide theatrical release on January 25, 2024.
As the countdown to the release date continues, the promotional campaign has kicked into high gear, with massive hoardings strategically erected across Kerala, creating a visual spectacle and intensifying the anticipation for this epic action flick. The film is poised to make cinematic history, marking a significant milestone for Malayalam cinema on the global stage.