In a surprising turn of events during his Christmas Day outing at New York City’s iconic Rockefeller Center, renowned actor Hugh Jackman, widely known for his portrayal of Wolverine, found himself in a bit of trouble with security. The 55-year-old actor, offering a Christmas tip to his fans, suggested an early morning visit to the celebrated Rockefeller tree but inadvertently got too close, prompting a friendly warning from security.
Sharing the festive episode on Instagram, Jackman showcased his Christmas spirit in a stylish blue puffer jacket, trousers, and a beige beanie as he strolled through the shopping plaza, capturing the enchanting Christmas decorations on his phone. Despite the security hiccup near the Rockefeller Christmas tree, Jackman took the incident in good humor, recounting on Instagram, “I did get in trouble for going beyond the barrier, but the security guard was nice and let me go with just a warning.”
Fans joined the banter in the comments, playfully suggesting that Wolverine wouldn’t be stopped by a security guard. One remarked, “Yeah like the security guard is gonna stop Wolverine. Merry Christmas!” Another quipped, “He let you go with a warning because you’re Hugh Jackman. Merry Christmas sir!”
Despite the festive laughter, this holiday season marks a significant moment for Jackman as it is his first since announcing his separation from Deborra-Lee Furness in September. The couple, who enjoyed nearly three decades of marital bliss, shared a poignant statement with People magazine reflecting on their journey together.
“We have been blessed to share almost three decades together as husband and wife in a wonderful, loving marriage. Our journey is now shifting, and we have decided to separate to pursue our individual growth,” expressed the statement, shedding light on the couple’s thoughtful decision to embark on separate paths.
Parents to two children, son Oscar and daughter Ava, adopted in 2000 and 2005 respectively, Jackman and Furness now navigate the complexities of co-parenting amidst transformative chapters in their lives.