In a box office showdown, the highly anticipated Tamil films ‘Captain Miller’ and ‘Ayalaan’ clashed on January 12, both making a robust entry with positive reviews. As they entered the second weekend, both films, having weathered some fluctuations, managed to retain a significant number of screens.
Despite facing some challenges in the past few days, both ‘Captain Miller’ and ‘Ayalaan’ surged at the box office on Saturday (Jan 20), showcasing their resilience in their respective genres.
On the global stage, ‘Ayalaan’ outshone ‘Captain Miller’ on day 9, grossing nearly Rs 8 crore. However, Sivakarthikeyan’s ‘Captain Miller’ leads in overall collections, amassing over Rs 78 crore worldwide in the 9-day span. In comparison, Dhanush’s period action drama, ‘Ayalaan’, secured Rs 75 crore globally during the same period.
The first-ever clash between Sivakarthikeyan and Dhanush at the box office has proven to be a closely contested battle. Both films continue to perform steadily, making it a tough call to determine the ultimate winner.
Directed by Arun Matheswaran, ‘Captain Miller’ unfolds against the backdrop of the pre-Independence era, addressing the struggles of oppressed people. Dhanush’s portrayal as a warrior, along with strong performances by Shiva Rajkumar, Sundeep Kishan, Priyanka Mohan, and Nivedhithaa Sathish, adds depth to the film.
‘Ayalaan’, directed by Ravikumar, explores the arrival of an alien on Earth, with Sivakarthikeyan leading the cast in this intriguing sci-fi narrative.