Suiseisha has unveiled the cast and visuals for the highly anticipated AnimeFesta adaptation of Yū Aoki’s manga, “The Perfect Prince Loves Me, His Rival?!” The boys love series from AnimeFesta, previously known as Anime Zone and ComicFesta Anime, was first announced in June 2023.
The official website of the anime treated fans to a promotional video and an introduction to the talented team behind the project on January 10. Directed by Akikonchi, the anime features character designs by Akari Minagawa, with Reina Nasu handling sub-character design. Maki Hashimoto takes on the role of Chief Animation Director, while Kanata Kawanobe oversees the captivating Color Design. The Art Setting is managed by Masahiro Satō, and Shurakura Hōōin and Takuto Tomozawa handle the Director of Photography duties. Editing is skillfully done by Kōki Shinkai, and sound direction is entrusted to Hisayoshi Hirasawa, produced by Studio Mausu. Animation production is in the hands of Studio Hōkiboshi.
True to the tradition of AnimeFesta releases, “The Perfect Prince Loves Me, His Rival?!” will come in two versions: a “broadcast” version for television with necessary censorship, and a “premium” uncensored version for online distribution. The premium version is set to start streaming on the AnimeFesta website in mid-March, while the broadcast version is scheduled to premiere on Tokyo MX and BS11 on April 7.
Yū Aoki initially launched the manga on WWWave Corporation’s ComicFesta website in 2022. WWWave Corporation owns both the ComicFesta web manga service and the AnimeFesta anime programming block. Over the past six years, AnimeFesta has successfully adapted more than 25 manga from ComicFesta, often exploring adult or risqué themes. The series typically releases in both “broadcast” and “premium” versions, with WWWave Corporation making English versions available on its Coolmic website.
The most recent addition to the AnimeFesta lineup was “Adam’s Sweet Agony,” the anime adaptation of Toyo’s manga. The first episode began streaming on December 8, with Tokyo MX and BS11, along with YouTube and Niconico streaming services, airing the anime from January 7. Coolmic Manga and Anime website also provided English-subtitled versions starting December 26, further expanding AnimeFesta’s global reach.