The box office prospects for the recent release ‘Thankamani,’ starring Dileep, are facing challenges as it amassed only Rs 14 lakhs on its fifth day of screening. Despite an initial positive reception, where the film crossed the Rs 1 crore mark within the first four days, recent updates indicate a significant downturn in its performance.
According to reports from the Sacnilk website, ‘Thankamani’ recorded an overall Malayalam occupancy of 9.76% on Monday, March 11, 2024. However, the specific occupancy breakdown for Day 5 displayed a decline, with morning shows at 7.20%, afternoon shows at 6.86%, evening shows at 9.92%, and night shows peaking at 15.07%.
Directed by Ratheesh Reghunandan, ‘Thankamani’ portrays a crime thriller narrative inspired by a real-life incident that occurred on October 21, 1986, in Thankamani village. The film delves into the aftermath of a conflict over a bus service, leading to a confrontation involving police baton charges and gunfire.
Despite its intriguing premise, ‘Thankamani’ has garnered mixed reviews from both critics and audiences. Featuring musical score by William Francis and cinematography by Manoj Pillai, the film hit theaters on March 7, 2024.
With the ongoing struggles at the box office, concerns arise regarding whether ‘Thankamani,’ starring Dileep, will manage to reach break-even profit in the foreseeable future.