In a thrilling development for fans of the beloved anime franchise Gintama, Bandai Namco Pictures has revealed details about the second compilation film. The upcoming cinematic marvel is centered around the Courtesan of a Nation Arc, spanning episodes 257 to 261 of the TV anime.
Dubbed Gintama on Theater 2D Ikkoku Keisei-hen, this film is scheduled for a limited three-week screening in Japanese theaters, starting on June 21, 2024. The screening promises exclusive footage not seen in the original TV episodes, offering an extra dose of excitement for attendees. Special merchandise featuring newly crafted illustrations, along with bonus items for theatergoers, will also be available for purchase.
This cinematic endeavor is part of a broader initiative celebrating the 20th anniversary of Hideaki Sorachi’s Gintama manga serialization and the television anime adaptation. Building on the success of the first compilation film, Gintama on Theater 2D Baragaki-hen, the franchise continues to enchant audiences with its unique blend of humor, action, and nostalgia.
The Baragaki-hen film, with its limited three-week run from November 10, 2023, achieved remarkable success, securing a spot in the top 10 on the weekend box office ranking during its debut. Despite being a re-edited compilation of the TV series, it demonstrated the enduring popularity of Gintama.
Known for its ‘science-fiction period-drama comedy,’ the Gintama franchise originally debuted in 2003 and concluded its manga serialization in June 2019 with over 55 million copies in circulation. The animated counterpart boasts an impressive legacy with 367 total episodes, three previous anime films, and various OVAs and event anime.
Looking ahead, fans can anticipate the anime adaptation of the spinoff novel series, 3-Nen Z-Gumi Ginpachi-Sensei, promising more laughter and adventure. The third and final anime film, Gintama THE VERY FINAL, opened to acclaim in Japan in January 2021 and later saw international screenings, digital releases, and Blu-ray Disc and DVD availability.
As the Gintama saga continues on the big screen, fans can look forward to the magic of Ikkoku Keisei-hen, a compilation film that promises to weave together the best elements of the Courtesan of a Nation Arc for a memorable cinematic experience. The limited three-week screening starting on June 21, 2024, is a must-attend event for enthusiasts eager to celebrate two decades of Gintama’s enduring legacy.