In a recent social media update, ‘Jai Ganesh’ director Ranjith Sankar commended the editing skills of Sangeeth Prathap, best known for his role in the blockbuster ‘Premalu.’ Sankar shared a behind-the-scenes glimpse from the editing suite, expressing admiration for Prathap’s dedication and prowess in editing.
The director, eager to unveil the film’s trailer, teased fans with a post on his official social media handle. Sankar praised Prathap’s commitment to his role as an editor, emphasizing the actor’s significant contributions to the final product of ‘Jai Ganesh.’ The trailer, according to the director, is in the final stages of production.
Sangeeth Prathap, touched by the director’s words, responded with black heart emojis and a heart-eyed emoji on Instagram. The social media update also confirmed that the ‘Jai Ganesh’ trailer is nearing completion, heightening anticipation among fans of the mystery thriller genre.
Starring Unni Mukundan in the lead role, ‘Jai Ganesh’ combines elements of thriller and superhero genres. The recently released trailer received positive responses from audiences. Mahima Nambiar, renowned for her role in ‘RDX,’ is set to play the female lead in the film, scheduled for a theatrical release on April 11.