Crunchyroll, the well-known anime streaming platform, has made an exciting announcement, sharing its plans to stream the English dub of the television adaptation of Suu Morishita’s manga, “A Sign of Affection” (Yubisaki to Renren), starting on January 20. The English dub cast features a talented lineup, including Lara Woodhull as Yuki, Reagan Murdock as Itsuomi, Rebecca Danae as Rin, Ethan Gallardo as Shin, Kamen Casey as Kyouya, Nazeeh Tarsha as Oushi, Irwin Daye as Batayan, and Seth Fuentes as Mitoki.
Director Jason Lord leads the English dub production, with Susie Nixon in charge of production, Leah Clark credited for the adaptation, Nathanael Harrison handling the mixing, and Victor Acosta serving as the engineer.
The anime originally premiered on Tokyo MX, MBS, and BS NTV on January 6, with Japanese subtitles for both TV and streaming audiences in Japan. Crunchyroll has secured streaming rights for the series in North America, Central America, South America, Europe, Africa, Oceania, the Middle East, and CIS regions as it airs.
Yūta Murano, known for works such as “Kakushigoto” and “Brave Beats,” oversees the storyboards and directs the anime at Ajia-do. Yoko Yonaiyama leads the series scriptwriting, and Kasumi Sakai designs the characters, while Yukari Hashimoto composes the music.
Adding a musical touch to the series, Japanese band Novelbright performs the opening theme, “Yuki no Oto” (The Sound of Snow), and the ending theme, “snowspring,” is performed by the talented musical group ChoQMay.
Originally serialized in Kodansha’s Dessert magazine since July 2019, “A Sign of Affection” has gained a global audience. The manga is digitally published in English by Kodansha USA Publishing, with the K MANGA service also offering digital releases. As Crunchyroll prepares to bring the English dub to fans, anticipation for this heartwarming series continues to grow.