In an upcoming feature film titled ‘Fairy Folk,’ actor Mukul Chadda is set to collaborate with his wife, Rasika Dugal, as they explore the intricacies of human relationships under the direction of Karan Gour.
Their creative partnership extends beyond this project, as the duo previously joined forces during the challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Together, they conceptualized, scripted, and filmed the short film ‘Banana Bread,’ showcasing their shared passion for storytelling and filmmaking. Chadda expressed his satisfaction with the collaboration, emphasizing the enriching experience of working with his spouse.
Reflecting on the collaboration, Mukul Chadda stated, “Working with my spouse, Rasika, has been an enriching experience and always leads to something creatively satisfying.” He highlighted Dugal’s talent as an actress and the synergy in their creative ideas, making the partnership fruitful. The success of ‘Banana Bread’ further reinforced their desire to work together. Chadda described ‘Fairy Folk’ as a step further, emphasizing their collaborative improvisation on all scenes in the feature-length film.
‘Fairy Folk’ has already gained international recognition with screenings at the Sydney Film Festival, the Chicago International Film Festival, MAMI (Mumbai), and the Indian Film Festival of Melbourne. The film features a background score composed by Karan Gour, known for his work on projects such as ‘Titli,’ ‘Haraamkhor,’ ‘Dear Dad,’ and ‘Agra.’