Television and film actor Rituraj Singh, known for his versatile performances, passed away on Monday night due to a cardiac arrest at the age of 59. The news was confirmed by his close friend, actor Amit Bahl. Rituraj began his career in Delhi’s theatre scene and shared a camaraderie with Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan during their time in the same theatre group.
Starting with television shows like ‘Banegi Apni Baat,’ Rituraj built lasting connections within the industry. Many celebrities expressed their grief and condolences on social media platforms.
Renowned actor Manoj Bajpayee took to Twitter, saying, “How can this be true Ritz? Why? Such a devastating news to wake up to! Rest in peace Rituraj, my friend!
Director Hansal Mehta shared his shock, remembering Rituraj as an untapped actor and a warm human. He tweeted, “Rituraj!!!! Can’t believe this! I directed him briefly in a daily soap called K Street Pali Hill but in the process we became good friends. Been a while since we hung out but I have such fond memories. Untapped actor and a warm human. Gone suddenly and too early.”
Director Vivek Agnihotri expressed his disbelief, saying, “Rituraj, my friend, how did you make it even possible? ‘Kitna baaki tha…’ Artists never die.
Arshad Warsi, who shared a close bond with Rituraj, lamented the loss, “I am so saddened to know that Ritu Raj passed away. We lived in the same building, he was a part of my first film as a producer. Lost a friend and a great actor… will miss you brother…”
Other celebrities, including Sonu Sood, Kavita Kaushik, and Varun Dhawan, also mourned the untimely demise of the talented actor. Varun Dhawan shared a photo with a heartfelt note, adding to the outpouring of tributes for Rituraj Singh.