In a groundbreaking development, See-Saw Films, the Oscar-winning producer behind acclaimed works like “The King’s Speech,” has announced its latest project, “Tenzing.” This film delves into the remarkable journey of Sherpa Tenzing Norgay and his historic ascent of Mount Everest in 1953, alongside the notable New Zealander, Sir Edmund Hillary.
The casting process is underway, particularly for the pivotal role of Tenzing Norgay, who will share the screen with BAFTA-nominee Tom Hiddleston, portraying Sir Edmund Hillary, and Oscar-winner Willem Dafoe, cast as the English expedition leader, Colonel John Hunt.
Filmmaker Jennifer Peedom, known for her acclaimed documentary “Sherpa,” holds exclusive rights to narrate Tenzing’s story through her close relationship with the Sherpa community and Norgay’s family. The script, penned by Oscar-nominee Luke Davies, promises to capture the essence of this awe-inspiring tale.
“Tenzing” is set to be a highlight at the upcoming Cannes market, with Rocket Science handling international sales in collaboration with Cross City Films. UTA Independent Film Group and Cross City Films will co-represent the U.S. distribution rights. Filming is slated to commence in spring 2025.
Peedom expressed her enthusiasm, stating, “I could not be more thrilled to be bringing Tenzing Norgay’s story to the screen. I’ve been working towards this film my whole career, and I’m incredibly grateful to Tenzing’s family for entrusting me with it.”
Emile Sherman and Iain Canning, producers at See-Saw Films, lauded Peedom’s directorial prowess, noting her unparalleled experience in high-altitude filmmaking and her deep understanding of the Sherpa community.
Norbu Tenzing, son of Tenzing Norgay, expressed his confidence in Peedom, emphasizing her profound respect for their culture and her lifelong interest in his father’s story.
The stellar cast, coupled with Peedom’s directorial vision, promises to deliver a cinematic masterpiece that resonates with audiences worldwide.