In celebration of actor Patralekhaa’s birthday today, her husband, actor RajKummar Rao, took to Instagram to extend heartfelt wishes. Sharing endearing pictures with his wife, RajKummar expressed, “Happy birthday my love, the most beautiful and strongest girl @patralekhaa. You are the love and light of my life and always remember you are God’s favourite child. You complete me.”
Among the images posted, one captures the couple gazing at each other against a snowy backdrop, while another features the ‘Citylights’ co-stars posing for a selfie. Fans and members of the film industry joined in the comment section to convey birthday wishes to Patralekhaa.
Author Tahira Kashyap commented, “Happy happy bday @patralekhaa,” and a fan wrote, “Wish you a very very happy birthday my dear bhabhi ji.” The couple, who tied the knot on November 15, 2021, in Chandigarh, first collaborated in Patralekhaa’s debut Bollywood film ‘Citylights’ in 2014.
On the professional front, RajKummar is set to appear in ‘Mr and Mrs Mahi’ alongside Janhvi Kapoor and the upcoming biopic ‘SRI.’ The film ‘SRI’ chronicles the inspirational journey of industrialist Srikanth Bholla, overcoming visual impairment to establish Bollant Industries. The release date for ‘SRI’ is scheduled for May 17.
Additionally, Patralekhaa will feature in ‘Phule,’ a film depicting the remarkable lives of social reformer Mahatma Jyotiba Phule and his wife Dnyanajyoti Savitribai Phule.