In 2024, marking five years since the Balakot airstrikes, actor Jimmy Shergill is set to release a new web series titled “Ranneeti: Balakot & Beyond.” The series delves into the events surrounding the airstrikes and the mission to rescue Group Captain Abhinandan Varthaman. The trailer for the show was released two days ago, stirring excitement from Shergill.
Speaking to News18 about his role in the series, Shergill said, “This is unlike any role that I have played in the past. It has been challenging, to say the least, but also immensely satisfying to be part of India’s first war-room-focused web series inspired by real-life events that shook the nation. We always read or hear about what happens on-ground during a war-like situation, but being a part of Ranneeti allowed me to witness first-hand the strategy, the risk-taking, as well as the emotional trajectory of those who call the shots from inside the war room. I remember an especially difficult schedule when the entire unit worked for 48 hours with no breaks, but not a single cast member complained. We were on no sleep, but the adrenaline rush kept us going. It felt like we were right there in the middle of all the action.”
The cast also includes actors Lara Dutta, Ashutosh Rana, Ashish Vidyarthi, and Prasanna, who plays the character of Group Captain Abhinandan Varthaman. Directed by Santosh Singh and produced by Sunjoy Waddhwa and Comall Sunjay from Sphereorigins Multivision Private Limited, the action-packed fictional story is set to premiere on April 25 on JioCinema.