Renowned actress Jyotika, celebrated for her diverse roles across Tamil, Telugu, and Malayalam cinema, is set to star in the upcoming biographical film “Srikanth.” The movie, directed by Tushar Hiranandani and featuring Rajkummar Rao as the titular character, chronicles the remarkable journey of Srikanth Bolla, a visually impaired individual who overcame numerous challenges to achieve extraordinary success.
In an exclusive interview with Pinkvilla, Jyotika shared her profound experience of working on the film and meeting Srikanth Bolla in person. She spoke of how the encounter profoundly altered her perception of visually impaired individuals, emphasizing Srikanth’s remarkable achievements and unwavering positivity. Witnessing his capabilities firsthand challenged her preconceived notions, as she realized his equal potential and deservingness.
Jyotika recounted her filming experience at Bollant Industries, where Srikanth empowers visually impaired individuals by offering them employment opportunities. The sight of these individuals efficiently managing machinery left a lasting impact, highlighting the significance of determination and resilience.
In explaining her decision to portray the character of Devika in the film, Jyotika expressed her deep connection to the script’s emotional resonance and the importance of representing a strong and impactful figure in a biopic.
Despite her successful Bollywood debut with “Shaitaan,” Jyotika was drawn to “Srikanth” for its compelling narrative and inspirational essence.
Scheduled for release on May 10, 2024, “Srikanth” promises to captivate audiences with its powerful storytelling and uplifting message.