In a somber turn of events, the mortal remains of acclaimed actor Vijayakanth have been placed at Island Grounds in Chennai, where both the public and celebrities alike gather to pay their respects. Among those in attendance was actor Kamal Haasan, who attended the funeral to bid his final farewell to the departed actor.
Speaking to the media, Kamal Haasan expressed his deep sorrow over Vijayakanth’s demise, reminiscing about their shared memories. Haasan remarked that Vijayakanth, known for his simplicity, friendship, and generosity, maintained these qualities throughout his journey from early stages to becoming a prominent star. Haasan emphasized Vijayakanth’s righteousness and humility, stating that losing such a sincere individual creates a void for people like himself. Overwhelmed with emotion, Kamal Haasan struggled to contain his tears while speaking about Vijayakanth.
Prior to the funeral, Kamal Haasan took to social media to extend his condolences, penning a heartfelt note about his long-standing friendship with the late actor. He conveyed his sympathies to Vijayakanth’s family, volunteers, and grieving fans.
The bond between Vijayakanth and Kamal Haasan was not only evident in their shared sorrow but also in their professional collaboration. The duo had previously graced the screen together in the 1986 Tamil film ‘Manakanakku,’ where Kamal Haasan made a cameo appearance alongside Vijayakanth in the lead role.