Palak Tiwari, a prominent face in new-age Bollywood, recently caught the attention of the paparazzi with her stunning appearance in a simple, pale-yellow off-shoulder short jumpsuit. The young actress, who is known for her impeccable style, was on set when she effortlessly carried the outfit with grace. She paired the look with yellow ballerina flats adorned with rhinestones, side-parted wavy hair, and soft glam makeup.
“I’m very excited for people to see something that I’m extremely proud of,” said Palak Tiwari.
As the shutterbugs approached Palak to capture her in their lenses, she warmly greeted them and engaged in a heartfelt conversation. Politely, she requested them not to photograph her from behind, emphasizing, “Piche ka matt lena.” However, despite her explicit request, when she turned to leave, she noticed the photographers still capturing her from behind. This prompted her to reprimand them once again for disregarding her request.
Earlier, at a recently held award function, actress Mrunal Thakur was also approached by the paparazzi to pose from the back. While Mrunal sweetly declined the request, she cheekily taunted the photographers, suggesting they would still click her from behind when she left. As predicted, the paparazzi did capture her leaving the event.