Nawazuddin Siddiqui’s family is facing turmoil as his elder brother, Ayazuddin Siddiqui, has been arrested in a forgery case in Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh. The actor, originally from Budhana in Muzaffarnagar, is dealing with this new controversy reported by DNA. Ayazuddin is accused of fraudulently issuing an order letter to the consolidation department, allegedly on behalf of the District Magistrate court.
The forged order letter was submitted by Ayazuddin along with an application related to an ongoing land dispute with Javed Iqbal. The forgery was discovered, leading the District Magistrate to file a complaint in March 2024. Following the complaint, Ayazuddin and his accomplice Javed were charged under sections 420, 467, 468, and 471 of the Indian Penal Code.
This is not the first time Ayazuddin has been involved in legal issues. In 2018, he faced accusations of religious sentiment infringement after allegedly sharing an offensive image on social media. At the time, Ayazuddin claimed he was confronting another individual about sharing derogatory content about Lord Shiva and that the charges against him were unwarranted, calling for an investigation into the matter.