In an incident early Sunday morning, shots were fired outside the residence of Bollywood superstar Salman Khan in Mumbai’s Bandra area. The Mumbai Police confirmed that no one was injured in the incident.
DCP Mumbai, Raj Tilak Roushan, stated to ANI, “Today at around 5 am, two unidentified people opened fire outside the house of actor Salman Khan in Bandra. Police have received information about 3 rounds of firing.” He further added, “A case has been registered and an investigation is underway in the case.”
Earlier in the day, Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde spoke to Salman Khan over the phone concerning the incident. Shinde also consulted with the Mumbai Police Commissioner and suggested enhancing Salman Khan’s security.
Since November 2022, Salman Khan’s security level has been upgraded to Y-Plus due to threats from gangsters Lawrence Bishnoi and Goldy Brar. Khan has also been permitted to carry a personal firearm and has acquired a new armored vehicle for additional protection.
In response to the incident, the Mumbai Police have deployed 15 units to search for the two gunmen.
On a different note, Salman Khan announced on Thursday that his next film, titled ‘Sikander,’ will be released in theaters across the country on Eid 2025. Salman will play the lead role in the movie, which will be directed by A R Murugadoss.