In a successful theatrical run since its release, Mahesh Babu’s latest film, ‘Guntur Kaaram,’ directed by Trivikram Srinivas, has become a Sankrathi festival treat for Tollywood fans. The action thriller has garnered praise for the captivating on-screen chemistry between Mahesh Babu and Sreeleela. Particularly, the song ‘Kurchi Madathapetti,’ featuring Sreeleela in a special number alongside Mahesh Babu, has set trends in the industry.
Adding to the film’s acclaim, Mahesh Babu’s daughter, Sitara Ghattamaneni, took to Instagram to share her admiration for Sreeleela. During a screening of ‘Guntur Kaaram,’ Sitara posted a snapshot on her Instagram story, featuring Sreeleela in a salwar suit with Mahesh Babu looking at her from the driver’s seat. Sreeleela reciprocated the gesture by re-sharing the story with love and kissing emojis.
Sitara also provided glimpses of her movie-watching experience, showcasing the film’s songs and action scenes on her Instagram. This public display of pride reinforces the strong bond between Mahesh Babu and Sitara, with the superstar often expressing his affection for his daughter on social media.
Meanwhile, ‘Guntur Kaaram’ has been receiving mixed reviews on Twitter, with audiences sharing varied opinions on the film’s somewhat cliché storyline. Nevertheless, the movie, having almost crossed the Rs 40 crores mark at the box office, continues to perform well despite facing competition from Teja Sajja starrer ‘Hanu-Man.’
Looking ahead, Mahesh Babu is set to collaborate with SS Rajamouli for his next project, tentatively titled SSMB29. The anticipation surrounding this upcoming venture adds to the excitement for fans of the renowned actor.