In a much-anticipated announcement, the fourth installment in the My Hero Academia anime film series has unveiled its trailer, visual, title, and premiere date for Japan, set for August 2. Titled “My Hero Academia the Movie: You’re Next,” the film, directed by Tensai Okamura of “Darker than Black” fame and produced by BONES, promises to deliver a fresh wave of excitement to fans.
Key personnel from the television series and previous movies are set to return for this latest cinematic venture. Scriptwriter Yōsuke Kuroda, character designer Yoshihiko Umakoshi, and composer Yuki Hayashi are among those making a comeback. Kōhei Horikoshi, the original manga creator, will assume the role of general supervisor and original character designer.
The upcoming film introduces a unique storyline set in a society teetering on the brink of collapse, unfolding concurrently with the ongoing events in the TV anime. The narrative is set against the backdrop of a mysterious giant fortress and the sudden appearance of an individual bearing a striking resemblance to the former “Symbol of Peace.”
This new addition follows the success of its predecessors, with the franchise having released three previous movies. “My Hero Academia: Two Heroes” premiered in July 2018, followed by “My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising” in December 2019, and “My Hero Academia THE MOVIE: World Heroes’ Mission” in August 2021, later premiering in the United States in October 2021, earning over US$10 million.
Fans can look forward to the anime’s seventh season, which is set to kick off on April 6 with a four-episode special titled “My Hero Academia Memories.” Following this, the main season, starting from episode 139 of the overall anime, is scheduled to debut on May 4.
Reminiscing about the recently concluded sixth season, which premiered in October 2022, fans can recall its span of two continuous cours (a quarter of a year) and 25 episodes. Crunchyroll provided streaming services for the anime’s Japanese broadcast, including an English dub, while Toonami featured the anime in its lineup. The October debut also marked the release of the special anime episode “My Hero Academia UA Heroes Battle.”