In a noteworthy crossover from the realm of entertainment to politics, popular Bengali actress and host of the television reality show “Didi No. 1,” Rachana Banerjee, has declared her candidacy for the upcoming Lok Sabha 2024 election. The actress will be vying for the seat in Hooghly, setting the stage for a unique electoral face-off against fellow Bengali actress-turned-politician Locket Chatterjee, who is representing the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in the same constituency.
The announcement was made by West Bengal’s Chief Minister and All India Trinamool Congress (TMC) supremo, Mamata Banerjee, during the unveiling of the TMC’s full candidate list for the Lok Sabha 2024 election at the Brigade ground march on March 10.
This political foray comes on the heels of Mamata Banerjee’s recent appearance on Rachana’s television show, “Didi No. 1,” in a special episode aired on March 3. Rachana had personally extended the invitation to the Chief Minister, sparking speculation about her potential entry into politics. Despite such conjectures, Rachana clarified that her visit to Nabanna was solely to invite Mamata Banerjee to the show. She emphasized that any decision regarding her political involvement would be officially announced by the Chief Minister herself.
The upcoming Lok Sabha election in Hooghly promises an intriguing contest between Rachana Banerjee and Locket Chatterjee, adding a new dimension to the intersection of the entertainment industry and political arena.