Ekta Kapoor, the renowned producer, recently opened up about her sentiments regarding the film ‘Thank You For Coming,’ stating that it left her with a “strange pain” in her heart. Despite receiving warm reception overseas, the film faced significant criticism in India.
The comedy film ‘Thank You For Coming,’ directed by Karan Boolani and starring Bhumi Pednekar, was jointly produced by Ekta and Rhea Kapoor. It garnered praise upon its premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival. However, it failed to perform well at the Indian box office.
“It (Thank You For Coming) has left a very strange pain in my heart because the way that film was and the kind of reception it got in India, vis-a-vis the reception it got overseas, I don’t know what happened,” Ekta Kapoor expressed in an interview with Variety. She went on to mention the barrage of criticism and hate the film received, particularly due to its attempt to explore and depict female sexuality. This experience has made Ekta apprehensive about the release of her upcoming film, ‘LSD 2: Love, Sex Aur Dhokha 2.’
Ekta Kapoor, known for her bold decisions as a producer, is gearing up for the release of ‘LSD 2,’ the sequel to the influential found-footage collection ‘Love, Sex Aur Dhokha.’ Directed by Dibakar Banerjee and produced under Ekta’s Balaji Motion Pictures, the film is slated to hit the screens on April 19. Actor Rajkummar Rao, who was introduced to the audience through the original ‘LSD,’ will also be a part of this sequel.
Dibakar Banerjee shared his thoughts on the project, stating, “It wasn’t my idea, it was Ekta’s idea. She suggested that enough time had passed and society had changed so much that we could make LSD 2. In the time of LSD 2, our virtual life has now completely dominated our real life. So this virtual life that we live in, I wanted to see how it was happening.”
Given the intense criticism faced by ‘Thank You For Coming,’ Ekta Kapoor expressed concerns about the potential controversy ‘LSD 2’ might stir up upon its release. She remarked, “And the hate spamming we went through – our walls used to be spammed every day with hatred, because we attempted to discover and make a movie on female sexuality. I can only imagine what’s gonna happen when LSD 2 comes. I think I’ll have to hide again.”