In an enchanting musical spectacle that unfolded at the pre-wedding celebration of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant in Jamnagar, some of India’s most prominent musicians graced the event for a once-in-a-lifetime performance curated by renowned music composer Pritam. The star-studded lineup included musical maestros such as Arijit Singh, Shreya Ghoshal, Udit Narayan, Mohit Chauhan, Sukhvinder Singh, Shaan, Lucky Ali, Neeti Mohan, and Monali Thakur, collectively weaving an unforgettable evening of melodic magic.
Expressing his congratulations and gratitude to the couple, Pritam shared, “Congratulations, Anant and Radhika! Thank you for giving me the special privilege of curating this amazing musical night on this beautiful and auspicious occasion.”
This musical extravaganza witnessed a unique convergence of music sensations spanning different generations, from the legendary Udit Narayan and soulful Lucky Ali to the versatile Shaan and contemporary icons Arijit Singh and Shreya Ghoshal. The stage was adorned with a diverse array of musical brilliance.
Pritam, serving as the captain for this extraordinary musical evening, remarked, “Never in my lifetime have I ever seen a musical lineup like this, and it’s my extreme good fortune that I could get these greats under my collaboration.”
The event showcased a harmonious blend of timeless classics and contemporary hits, creating an enchanting atmosphere for the attendees.