Renowned filmmaker Vysakh and superstar Mammootty are set to reunite for the third time in the upcoming action comedy film “Turbo,” scheduled to hit screens on May 23. Mammootty, portraying the character Turbo Jose, recently revealed a captivating new poster, showcasing his magnetic presence in the titular role.
Taking to his official Twitter handle, Mammootty shared the latest poster for “Turbo,” using the hashtag “#TurboFromMay23.” The poster, diverging from the initial first-look, portrays Mammootty’s character, Turbo Jose, exuding confidence as he strides forward in a suave black shirt paired with a white mundu.
Directed by Vysakh and written by Midhun Manuel Thomas, “Turbo” features a stellar cast, including Mammootty, Raj B. Shetty, and Sunil in pivotal roles. With Mammootty leading the charge, the film promises an exhilarating blend of action and comedy, offering audiences an entertaining cinematic experience.
Adding to the film’s appeal is the musical brilliance of composer Christo Xavier, whose vibrant compositions and background score complement the narrative perfectly. The cinematography by Vishnu Sarma and editing by Shameer Muhammed are expected to enhance the visual aesthetics of “Turbo.”
While Vysakh’s previous film, “Monster,” received criticism for its outdated storyline and weak performance, expectations are high for “Turbo” to deliver a refreshing and engaging cinematic experience.