Renowned filmmaker Abhinav Sunder Nayak, known for his directorial debut ‘Munkundan Unni Associates’, has unveiled details about his upcoming project. Titled ‘Mollywood Times’, the film is set to star Naslen in lead roles. With the tagline ‘A love hate letter to cinema’, the movie promises to delve into the intricacies of the film industry. The poster includes a disclaimer asserting that the depicted events are not mere fiction but truths.
Although further details regarding genre and cast remain undisclosed, ‘Mollywood Times’ is slated for a 2025 release, as indicated on the poster. The director, in a tweet, described the film as “the ultimate movie about movies” and emphasized its anticipated release year.
Abhinav Sunder Nayak expressed his excitement about collaborating with producer Ashiq Usman under the banner Ashiq Usman Productions. While the script is still under development, Nayak assured fans that this project would be as captivating as his debut.
Amidst this announcement, Naslen, fresh from the success of his recent hit ‘Premalu’, is set to captivate audiences once again with his performance in ‘Mollywood Times’.